Cerro Corona Mill-minGold Fields will embark on an ambitious exploration program in search of a new Cerro Corona. According to local reports, the company doubled its investments in exploration, focused on the Ancash, Cajamarca and Moquegua regions of Peru.

In an exclusive interview with Diálogos Mineros of the Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Perú, Gold Fields Vice President for the Americas Paul Gómez said the company has been working on both brownfield and greenfield exploration projects.

Gold Fields recently announced an investment of $44 million to extend the life of the Cerro Corona mine to 2030, and now it is taking actions to find a new comparable deposit. “Why not look for a new Cerro Corona, not only to replace the production that will be lost, but also to continue generating value, local benefit and also benefit the company. Our exploration activities for this purpose are being maintained and are also being increased compared to 2024,” Gómez said.

Gold Fields has budgeted approximately $15 million per year for exploration during the next two years (2025- 2026), which is double the amount invested per year previously. The exploration program will target both brown and greenfield deposits, looking for gold.

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